This amazing, highly sensual Hawaiian Tantric massage is an experience that will give you pleasure like no other. You will be caressed from head to toe with long flowing strokes taking your mind and body to a place of complete ecstasy. This will leaving you feeling relaxed, reborn and ready to take on the world.
About Privy Hawaiian Tantric Massage
Hawaiian style massage differs from other types of massage, such as Swedish, as it covers more than one part of the body at a time. It is performed using the hands and arms with long, flowing strokes that go from head to toe and around the body in a continuous rhythmic movement. It is a sensual and pleasurable experience of caressing strokes coupled with pressing and kneading.
The recipient feels cared for, comforted, nurtured and very special. It is deeply relaxing and gives a feeling of well-being and value.
Hawaiian style massage already incorporates a high level of sensual touch, so when coupled with Tantric massage it creates an immersive erotic experience that results in sexual pleasure and released tension. This Hawaiian Tantric massage will enable the recipient to recover the energy and mental strength to deal with the stresses and pressures of everyday life.
After the massage, your body will feel light and relaxed, and your mind will feel clear and re-focused.